Product Discovery and Product Delivery

Duración: 16 horas

What You Will Learn

This course immerses students in hands-on product discovery tools and techniques. Students select a product and ideas to explore as a vehicle for the course. Starting with a discussion of product-centered principles and the mapping of teams to a product, students work on product ideas and validation with measurable impact. As part of the discovery process, students will use collaborative chartering, pragmatic personas, story mapping and story splitting, customer journeys, visual design and validation/learning tools. This course concludes with a dive into how discovery and delivery can, and will, overlap into a cadence of continuous product learning. For people working with agile teams, this course will help build strong product backlogs with better stories.

Learning Outcomes

Overview of Product Discovery and Delivery, as well as and Introductions to Product Thinking and Lean UX
Learn to frame Product Teams and Discovery Communities
Experience the use of tools like Collaborative Chartering, Pragmatic Personas, Story Mapping, Customer Journeys, Sketching and Impact Measures (tests, KPIs)
Embrace the reality that many product ideas may be wrong
Investigate learning that is “outside the code” and creating a cadence of product discovery and product delivery

What We Will Cover

Agenda: Like many other DevJam courses, this is a hands-on course where students learn with a simple example and then step into working on a contextual, real-world example of their choosing.

Day 1:

Introductions and Expectations
Introductions and Expectations Selection of Product and Ideas to Explore During the Course
Product Centered Principles and Product Teams
Overview of Product Discovery and Product Principles
Mapping Your Product Community and Discovery Community
Product Discovery (Part One)
Chartering the Measurable Success of Tomorrow
Framing Design Targets and Your Guess at Their Needs (Why they might care)
Introduction to Story Mapping, Story Splitting and Customer Journeys

Day 2: 

Product Discovery (continued …)
Introduction to Story Mapping, Story Splitting and Customer Journeys
Pragmatic Sketching, Prototyping and other Early Validation Tools
Adding Clarity with Tests and Examples and Measures
Blending Discovery and Delivery

What Can You Learn “outside the code?”

Establishing a Blended and Sustainable Discovery and Delivery Cadence
Wrap up/Questions and Answers

Who Should Attend

Anyone interested in learning to question and explore customers and products. If your backlog is simply a glorified to-do list, this course is for you. More specifically, this course is focused on product owners and product managers, but the material will provide value for anyone looking to more quickly learn what they do not know about users and products.  This also includes anyone who is part of an agile community looking to improve their use of stories, backlogs and agile or lean delivery practices.

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